Thursday, September 27, 2007

On that rare occasion when I...

...deign to immaculate my surroundings I do so to the strains of Bach - Hip-hop (which don't get me wrong I love you Ice Ice Baby) would have me prone before I got the dusting done - whose many concerti and oratoriae(-i-e-i-o) soothes and lulls the Oscar in me while Felix cleans.

Besides which Hip-hop leaves you no room for introspection because your
bouncing cerebellum can barely keep up with your jiggling cellulite and
flouncing adipose tissue; brain cells too tossed-about to think, plus Hip-hop, Rock or Country will have you banging into shit in the living room with your whirling dervish feet skittering across the gritty parquet in a cloud of choking dust carbon dating back to May, so Bach must prevail in the opening stages, at least until the dust clears, then gradually moving into high gear, out comes one of the late William Clarke's too few CDs, and as usual on this one William is blowing his brains out through that diatonic Hohner, a recording called: 'Serious Intentions', then you shuffle along in a 1-4-5 into the final stages of your abberational and temporary plunge into '...a new beginning, starting with the house cleaning!' which ends soon enough, and you, I, I mean I, me...I'm forever using - you - but I usually mean me...

Anyway, just warming up my fingers on the keyboard, speaking of gritty...

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