Sunday, September 2, 2007

However I may joke about failing businesses...'s really no joke; lots of people goin' around with no dough while the CEO is on the links headed for the 19th Green. And as for me and NFTD, well...don't look for NFTD to fail anytime soon because it's a hot property at the moment, much in demand. For which I'm grateful. I've worked (am working) hard for this and now...ooohh I tell you - I'm making my moves, pouring on the steam, full-court press and all that, planning for a future I can see clearly now way over yonder under a palm tree, huge doobie in one hand, huge pina colada in the other, gentle Carribbean sussurating breezes swinging me ever so slightly in my close, so close...

Well, I'm a good writer, borderline great ("Your writing ranges from terrible to brilliant," John has made abundantly clear...) and all this publicity surrounding me from magazines & newspapers, tv and radio, imposition though it may be on my privacy, is just what the doctor ordered to cover the costs of a West Indies soon as I get the bills paid off (groan!) after the publisher comes through with my advance or the grants are granted or the lottery hits,whichever comes first - I'm off to Negril, I don't care if it's mid-August and a 110 down there with gale force winds holding my hammock out like a wind sock...

"...NOTES..." is not only endearing but enduring and just so's you know - I'm in it until I roll snake eyes. It, NFTD, started as a lark, an exaltation of larks actually, reasons I've forgotten but now it's a part of me and so are you and we'll just keep doing this together until one of us croaks.

We're a novelty item DearReader, we're the eye of the storm, the apex of the arc, the nadir of the nether world all rolled into one neat little package. I get a kick out of the media doing a survey of itself and finding out that its readers are bored by the ho-hum boredom of the printed word, but...NFTD readers are neither bored nor boring.

We're a discerning few holding forth on anything and holding sway over nothing. The perfect symbiotic relationship.

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