Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Speaking in the vernacular...

…is second nature to me even though I know how to speak correctly; it is impossible for me to just carry on and not get exercised in the matter of the Iraq War; the New York Times, ABC News, Yahoo News et cetera, all the major media, are afraid to talk it up, to get it out in the open in a way the hoi-polloi can relate to and never mind couching the obvious horrors in enigmatic semantics.

…their diatribes got no meat on the bones, they are rants without rage and they rarely have the gall nor the balls to say George Bush brought this evil war on us without rhyme nor reason…that first and foremost - he lied from the start and contrived the whole murderous operation which was/is sleight-of-hand, smoke & mirrors, bald-faced lies, wildly miscalculated, has killed 4003 of our finest young men & women, upended the economy to the point where even the filthy rich are worried and has left our poor, beleaguered country twisting in the wind while the rest of the world rains opprobrium down on us…all predicated on a pack of lies…

…I don’t mean to be seditious in the literal sense (incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority) - but The People, Yes are being taxed in any number of ways - fiscally, physically & mentally and the world-round are in mortal and constant peril…

…because a pompous ass without a clue is calling the shots, aided and abetted by that most charlatan of fakirs, Dick Cheney who makes Tricky Dick Nixon look like a monument to restraint…the violence these two head cases have perpetrated on the world will last a generation…that baby Payton I mentioned on Page One stands a good chance of getting gunned down in Baghdad 20 years from now because of what George Bush and Dick Cheney are doing today…with all due and considerable respect to John McCain, he may be a great American but I’m not too keen on anyone who thinks he’d have us stay in Baghdad a 100 years if that’s what it takes…what what takes? Until we win? There’ll be no such day. Everything that’s going haywire in this world today is a spinoff of the War In Iraq. There’s not one person who can go it alone, he or she will need all the help he/she can get and a stiff backbone to lead us back to where we can lead by good example rather than rule by might.

…I’m more or less ready to throw in with Barack Obama even though I like and admire Hillary; Obama I’ve liked from the start but until recently leaned to Hillary…then to Obama, back to Hillary, back to Barack, but Hillary, coupled with her philandering Significant Other in the White House, would be just more of the same only from the other side of the aisle, whereas I believe Obama will actually change things for the better…so I’m going to bat for him - but he better produce and quickly because we don’t have much time…we’ll have to hold his big feet to the fire…today things don’t look too good for the future no matter who you are or where you live…or this could just be another NFTD Skewed View…


Anonymous said...

Ah, T, we agree again! With one exception to:

"…their diatribes got no meat on the bones, they are rants without rage and they rarely have the gall nor the balls to say George Bush brought this evil war on us without rhyme nor reason…"

But what of Olbermann?

Filth Distro said...

hey terry, right the fuck on! i boggles my mind how that evil son of a bitch could lie, commit treason and general wipe his ass with the constitution and no one seems to even raise their voice. the candidates squeak more than talk. rev. wright was had us dead to rights and obama apologized for him. the worse part is we are more to blaim then them. if we had the stomach to hear the truth, if we were willing to act. And I’m not talking sedition either. If we said to all three of them: you are inadequate. if we told them to go home to their families. we are a nation full of potential that has never seen the light of day.

i used to get your zine from my friend terry (also ward). he was a bit of a nutter but a fine guy to know. i'd really like to send you my ltest zine. i'm assuming your old nh po box isn't good. do you have a new one? - howard

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