Tuesday, April 29, 2008


…it reads something like this…(First off, by way of explanation let me tell you that looking like I do I get profiled every day and have for the last 40 years) – that disclaimer laid, this is the breakdown, in my humble estimation, of what an NFTD reader consists of/looks like:

…in the main you are neither male nor female but rather somewhat androgynous, a trait I see as very acceptable; your age varies from…hmm…I know I have had readers as young as teens and a couple octogenarians, somewhere in there is the median age, my guess is you are 35-50, with lots of twentysomethings; you are pretty well homogenized as I have 1,659 readers who come in a variety of colors, live in 28 states and 24 countries, many of you are multilingual…some of you are liberal some of you are not…many of you (us) are intelligent but uneducated, i. e. we got out of high school okay but it was touch and go after that, few are the sheepskins among the small cadre of NFTD devotees…I/you/we/they are hip, speak the language of the street…we have collectively traversed the earth and beyond…know everything worth knowing and always open to new things worth knowing…plus, our resume is impressive, unimpeachable credentials for we have worked from the underground up to the heavens in a myriad of earthly endeavors…from the mines to the moon…from the bottom of the ocean to the Sea of Tranquility…

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