Sunday, March 16, 2008

Random "...NOTES..." From Wrinkled Scraps...


…about how sick I am and how I am at death’s door ready to check out, but still I linger on in this limbo between life and death; I’m sorry not to have croaked already Dear Reader, I’m sure by now you’re totally bored by the subject and in a ‘…come-on already…give it up…’ mode - so I apologize for being so gauche as to continue living…

…that said, I must tell you that relatively speaking my life is good, through no particular effort of mine since I’ve spent 6 & a ½ decades twirling in a lunatic’s sarabande and leading a life of more or less ruinous and debilitating behavior, trying to put asunder what until recently I had considered a life impervious to pain…o well, whatta ya gonna do…


…I was in a business which had me riding in a lot of police cars, front and back seats; you’re a guest in the front, and of course in the back you’re usually a handcuffed perp…most recently (but years ago) I ran out of gas in the middle of a busy intersection, so there my little Daytona sat waiting to be t-boned @ noon and the nearest gas a mile away…a kindly state-truck driver stopped for me and took me to the gas station where I got gas and began the long trek back only to suddenly have a police car pull up beside me – and ask was I headed to such and such an intersection where they knew a car was stuck out of gas and I said yes so they said well get in the back and off we took, me who’d had a beer for breakfast, with a bag of dope in one pocket and a handful of percs in another, a can of gas on my lap, and two cops in front who, when we got half way there, put the blues on and stopped traffic while I, heart in throat, walked across the road, put the gas in, and left with a big smile thank you wave…too bad for them, they coulda had a bonus…

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